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The ultimate solution for all your PDF editing and eSignature needs

Get the tools you need for complete digital document management.
Robust PDF editor
Rewrite the content in your existing documents or create new PDFs from scratch.
E-Sign PDF
Stop printing documents and chasing down wet-ink signatures — benefit from E-Sign PDF built in the editor.
Secure cloud storage
Store and manage your documents in a secure cloud-based environment.

Compare our PDF solution with other editing software

This chart represents a partial list of features available in pdfFiller, Adobe and DocuSign E-Sign PDF Adobe DocuSign
Sending documents for eSignature
Bulk invitation to sign
Editing before sending
Reusable templates creation
Personalized branding
Sending invitation via link
In-person signing
Signature forwarding allowance
Online chat
Advanced threat protection
Invite expiration management
Forget about document hassles with a powerful PDF and eSignature solution
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The unrivaled solution for any eSignature task: E-Sign PDF

Questions & answers

E-signing a PDF is similar to physically signing one. The biggest difference is it’s easier and there’s no printing or scanning involved. Upload a document and apply your legally-binding e-signature. Click Done to save your executed contact. The whole process takes less than a minute.
Our solution is available on several operating systems, including iOS. Use our web-based PDF editor in any browser. No extra app required. Open your document and tap anywhere to place your signature. Once finished, you can download or share your PDF.
Not every provider offers compliance. To create professional and court-admissible PDFs, use a solution that meets ESIGN’s requirements. Our PDF editor not only complies with major authorities, but we also go the extra mile to make sure a signer’s identity is clear every time. Therefore, when you e-sign with our service, you ensure that your document is court-enforceable.
Yes, an e-signed document has the same legal power as a handwritten one, but only if it meets ESIGN’s requirements. The signature must include a digital trail, intent to sign, and be associated with the signer. If a service complies with those three demands, then that solution’s e-signatures are legally binding.
Fraudsters are everywhere, including e-signature. However, when an electronic signature tool is developed by qualified professionals, e-signatures are harder to forge than handwritten ones are. Signatures are connected to a signer with a type of timestamp, and actions to a PDF are recorded in the document’s history. Usually, it’s easy to tell if there was intent to sign by the appropriate party. But if you want extra protection, you can protect your PDFs with passwords.
If you’re using our web-based solution, simply visit our website on Safari or Google Chrome. The great part is, there’s no need to install extra software. Create your account and start managing flawless document workflows. Upload your document, edit, e-sign, and password protect it.
Creating an e-signature is fast and easy. There are several options available: typing, drawing and even uploading a photocopy of your signature. Once you create your unique sign, apply it to your PDF. After that, you’ll have an executed document. You can download or send it via email without any delay. Try out more features with an account.
An electronic signature can be copied and pasted, but at the same time, it loses its legal force. Forging a document with an e-signatures is much more complicated than with a handwritten one. Because of that fact, you can’t copy and paste. The audit trail will notice, and for an e-signature to be valid it needs to show intent. That’s usually shown by selecting your signing method and clearly accepting that you want to apply it.
With our PDF editor, you can create your unique e-signature in three ways: typing, drawing, or uploading a photocopy of your signature. Each one of them has the same legal power as your physical signature. When you use your e-signature, you get a court-admissible document, that you can download or share. No need to print or scan again. An all-in-one solution for your everyday document needs.